Looking Outward and Seeing Inward

Since 1999 I have been practicing, learning, investigating, developing and facilitating an exercise as part of The Art of Creative Thinking , with the aim of uncovering the potential of my inner resources. As the sculptor carves into the marble to reveal the sculpture within, so it is with other elements that are hidden in plain sight. Over the years I have encountered, both personally and through the experiences of friends and students, the judgment and internal criticism that silences us, appearing in both obvious and obscure ways, presenting itself in different shades and facades. ‘ I’m not interested’, ‘I don’t have time’, ‘I have no talent’, ‘why do I need this’ and on it goes. As children, we enjoy creating, expressing every emotion and experiencing the sense of wonder and discovery. Throughout life, we lose the same sense of open-mindedness and confidence to express ourselves in a visual manner. Why does fear trump our curiosity? When did we f...